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Article number: Article number: kb-28
Q. Using FormMail (formmail)

A. How-to: Using FormMail Clone (formmail.cgi) to send out e-mail This little tutorial describes how to use the FormMail Clone script that is available with cPanel. FormMail is one of the most popular form-baed methods to send e-mail from your website and was written by Matt Wright. FormMail is easy to setup and has several customization options to make sending e-mail from your website a breeze. For more information regarding FormMail as well as customization tips, please refer to the documentation available by clicking here. The following two steps describe how to get started quickly with FormMail Clone. Step 1: Create the basic form in your web page similar to the following:
Step 2: Upload the saved file to your website via FTP and run the file through your web browser as you would any other HTML page. Try submitting the form. If you have any questions, please consult the FormMail documentation at the link below:
This page has been viewed 1419 times

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4. Adding a Parked Domain (viewed 3217 times)
5. What is FTP? (viewed 3150 times)
6. What is cPanel? (viewed 3115 times)
7. Where can I find cPanel Manuals/Documentation? (viewed 3103 times)
8. If I use FrontPage, should I FTP my files? (viewed 3092 times)
9. Publishing Your Web Files with FrontPage (viewed 3039 times)
10. Service Port Numbers (viewed 1854 times)

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